Hola todos!! espero que os este yendo muy bien en la vuelta a clases: Hoy toca una receta sencilla, rápida y riquÃsima, que se ha vuelto mi favorita estos últimos meses. Además la podéis hacer vegana utilizando leche vegetal. Espero que os guste!
Hello everyone!! I hope you are doing very well. Today's post it's a simple, quick and delicious recipe, which has become my favorite in recent months. You can also make it vegan using vegetable milk. I hope you like it!
And what I always tell you in my recipes the ingredients are optionals, you can add or remove things to your liking. Experiment!
I N G R E D I E N T E S / I N G R E D I E N T S
Ponemos en un cazo con abundante sal y agua a hervir. Cuando comience a hervir añadimos los espaguetis y los dejamos cocinar el tiempo que establezca el paquete. Mientras se cocina la pasta pasaremos a preparar la salsa de anacardos.
We put in a pot with plenty of salt and water to boil. When it starts to boil we add the spaghetti and let them cook the time established by the package. While the pasta is cooking we will prepare the cashew sauce.
Para ello freÃmos un diente de ajo en una sartén con un poco de aceite (podéis añadirle más, siempre a vuestro gusto). Una vez lo tengamos frito, procedemos a triturarlo junto con los anacardos y un poco de leche hasta que obtengamos una pasta, después añadimos el resto de la leche y volvemos a triturar.
Cuando trituréis los anacardos tened cuidado que salpica mucho si tenéis una trituradora con tapa no pasa nada, pero como la mÃa no tiene suelo ponerle un trapo para no ensuciar toda la cocina. Tampoco os preocupéis si veis la salsa muy lÃquida pues cuando la calentéis con los espaguetis espesará y si os queda muy espesa solo tenéis que añadir más leche.
We fry a clove of garlic in a pan with a little oil ( you can add more, always to your liking). Once we have it fried, we proceed to crush it with the cashews and a little milk until we get a paste, then add the rest of the milk and crush again.
When you crush the cashew nuts, be careful that it splashes a lot. if you have a shredder with a lid, you won't have any problem, but since mine doesn't have a lit I put a cloth to not mess the entire kitchen. Also don't worry if you see the sauce very liquid because when you heat it with the spaghetti it will thicken and if it's very thick you only have to add more milk.
We fry a clove of garlic in a pan with a little oil ( you can add more, always to your liking). Once we have it fried, we proceed to crush it with the cashews and a little milk until we get a paste, then add the rest of the milk and crush again.
When you crush the cashew nuts, be careful that it splashes a lot. if you have a shredder with a lid, you won't have any problem, but since mine doesn't have a lit I put a cloth to not mess the entire kitchen. Also don't worry if you see the sauce very liquid because when you heat it with the spaghetti it will thicken and if it's very thick you only have to add more milk.
Para finalizar simplemente escurriremos nuestros espaguetis y los volvemos a colocar en el cazo, los ponemos a fuego medio, añadimos la salsa de anacardos y removemos hasta que espese un poco y listo. Yo les añado un poco de orégano por encima y están deliciosos!!
To finish we will simply drain our spaghetti and put them back in the saucepan, put them on medium heat, add the cashew sauce and stir until it thickens a bit and that's it. I add some oregano on top and they are delicious!!
To finish we will simply drain our spaghetti and put them back in the saucepan, put them on medium heat, add the cashew sauce and stir until it thickens a bit and that's it. I add some oregano on top and they are delicious!!
Espero que os haya gustado la receta. Como siempre para cualquier duda o consulta podéis dejarme un comentario. Nos vemos!!
Muchos besos de tortuga!!
I hope you like the recipe. Sorry if my English isn't very good. If you had any question you can leave a comment. See you soon!!
Turtle kisses!!!