Hola a todos!! Espero que estéis genial! He vuelto a ir al bazar a comprar nuevos productos asiáticos para probarlos y me he encontrado con algunos que me han llamado bastante la atención. Y como habéis podido adivinar la mayoria son un poco picantes, ya que soy una obsessed.
Hello everyone!! I hope you are great! I've gone back to the bazaar to buy new Asian products to try them and some of them have caught my attention. And as you could guess most are a bit spicy, since I'm an obsessed.
Me llamaron mucho la atención este snack de guisante ya que pone que están hechos al horno, en vez de fritos. sin colorantes artificiales y son una fuente de fibra y altos en hierro. Pone que es un producto hecho en Filipinas.
Presenta una textura y sabor a los gusanitos tÃpicos, aunque con un ligero sabor a guisante pero muy sutil, no son nada salados en comparación a todos los snack que encontramos en los supermercados. Están buenos pero son un poco insÃpidos, pero al menos son mucho más saludables que una bolsa de patatas fritas.
This peas snack catch all my atention as it says they are baked, instead of fried. No artificial colors and they are a source of fiber and high in iron. It says that it is a product made in the Philippines.
It has a texture and flavor to the typical Cheesy puffs, although with a slight pea flavor but very subtle, they aren't salty compared to all the snacks we find in supermarkets. They taste good but they are a bit tasteless, but at least they are much healthier than a bag of chips.
Este ramen es de la marca coreana Nongshim. Trae los fideos un paquete con verduras y otro con el sabor. Me sorprendió que los fideos fueran más gruesos que los habituales, pero están muy ricos, además traÃa bastantes algas lo que se agradece. En cuanto al sabor eran ligeramente picantes y si que sabÃan a marisco. Lo único que para mi era demasiada cantidad y después de comerlos me quede que no podÃa moverme.
This ramen is from the Korean brand Nongshim. Bring the noodles, a package with vegetables and another with the flavor. I was surprised that the noodles were thicker than usual, but they are very tasty, also brought enough seaweed what is appreciated. As for the taste they were slightly spicy and they taste like seafood. The only thing that was too much for me and after eating them I couldn't move.
Los siguientes son de la marca japonesa Nissin. Solo traÃan los fideos, un paquete con el sabor y otro con aceite. Son bastante simplones, no traen verduras, pero de sabor estaban bastante buenos y los fideos no eran nada pasticorros. Creo que este tipo de ramen si le añadÃs verduras que tengáis en casa, algo de carne y un huevo quedarÃa un ramen estupendo.
The following are from the Japanese brand Nissin. They only brought the noodles, a package with the flavor and another with oil. They are quite simple, they don't bring vegetables, but they tasted quite good and the noodles weren't at all plastic. I think this type of ramen would be great if you add vegetables that you have at home, some meat and an egg.
El siguiente ramen también es de la marca coreana Nongshim. Trae los fideos, un paquete con sabor y otro con verduras. Nunca he probado el kimchi por lo que no os puedo decir si se parece. Eran ligeramente picantes y como podéis ver en la imagen, traÃa algunos trozos de kimchi aunque sin sabor. Lo que mas me gustó de este ramen fueron los fideos ya que eran super suaves y el caldo también estaba muy bueno.
The next ramen is also from the Korean brand Nongshim. Bring the noodles, a package with flavor and another with vegetables. I've never tried Kimchi so I can't tell you if it taste the same. They were slightly spicy and as you can see in the picture, I brought some pieces of kimchi but without flavor. What I liked most about this ramen were the noodles since they were super soft and the broth was also very good.
Este ramen también es de la marca coreana Ansungtangmyun perteneciente también a Nongshim. Trae los fideos, un paquete con el sabor y verduras. Al principio al ver que traÃa solo un sobre pensé que venÃan sin verduras, pero si que traiga aunque como siempre muy escasas para mi gusto.
Los fideos estaban muy buenos, el caldo también estaba riquÃsimo, a mi me resulto ligeramente picante aunque como ya sabéis estoy bastante acostumbrada a comer comida picante. Y como en el caso del ramen de marisco era mucha cantidad para mi.
This ramen is also from the Korean brand Ansungtangmyun also belonging to Nongshim. Bring the noodles, a package with the flavor and vegetables. At the beginning when I saw that I had only one package I thought they came without vegetables, but as always very scarce for my liking.
The noodles were very good, the broth was also delicious, I find it slightly spicy although as you know I'm quite used to eating spicy food. And as in the case of seafood ramen it was a lot for me.
And the last thing I bought was this sesame oil bottle, since I've seen it added in many Asian recipes and I wanted to try it, it has a very strong sesame smell and an intense flavor so you just have to add a little to your recipes But I loved it.
Espero que os haya gustado el post. Como siempre para cualquier duda o consulta podéis dejarme un comentario. Nos vemos!!
Muchos besos de tortuga!!
I hope you like this post. Sorry if my English isn't very good. If you had any question you can leave a comment. See you soon!!
Turtle kisses!!!